Diglas Procurement enables the management of procurement processes and relationships with the suppliers.
Key Functionalities:
- Registration and processing of internal procurement requests
- Monitoring procurement needs on the basis of stock plans, trade and/or production needs
- Defining criteria for optimizing orders to suppliers
- Defining strategies on approving and approvers of procurement documents
- Defining and monitoring procurement contracts with suppliers with the possibility of defining scaled prices and deductions
- Registration and processing of demands/offers to suppliers
- Registration and processing of orders to suppliers
- Monitoring of supplier deliveries
- Monitoring of import transactions
- Monitoring of deliveries of procured products through integration with the Warehouse Operations module
- Review of procurement documents and their status:
- Review of submitted/received procurement orders
- Review of pre-orders
- Review of orders to suppliers
- Review of orders-offers-requirements
- Review of requests-orders-deliveries
- Review of undelivered orders
- Reporting on the procurement process through the procurement module and through integration with the module BI Business Reporting
Diglas Warehouse Operations enables the management of storage and transport processes and full supervision of operations with stocks. The module is integrated with the modules of Procurement and Sales so all the documents linked to these processes of warehouse operations are processed and returned to Sales and Procurement for further processing.
Key Functionalities:
- Registration and processing of documents pertaining to the receipt of goods from the supplier
- Registration and processing of documents pertaining to internal processes of the enterprise, receipt of goods from an internal warehouse of the enterprise (inter-warehouse operations), delivery notes from manufacturing
- Registration and processing of documents pertaining to deliveries from the warehouse
- Registration and processing of documents pertaining to the organization of transport (transport planning)
- Tracking of packaging
- Inventories
- Review of warehouse documents and their status:
- Review of warehouse stocks
- Review of warehouse stocks per warehouse
- Review of warehouse stock cards
- Review of financial cards
- Review of logistic documents
- Review of financial documents
- Reporting on the process of storage through integration with the module BI Business Reporting
Diglas Sales enables the management of wholesale processes including the defining of sales policies and communication with buyers.
Key Functionalities:
- Registration and processing offers to buyers
- Registration, receipt and processing buyers’ orders
- Registration and processing of shipping documents
- Registration of processing of accounts and cumulative accounts
- Defining and tracking partners’ sale contracts
- Defining and monitoring partners’ loan limits
- Registration and processing of internal documents
- Monitoring and defining sales and price-list templates
- Monitoring and defining of sales actions
- Reviews of sales documents and their status:
- Sale prices by sale outlets
- Review of issued invoices
- Trade according to financial documents
- Reviews by buyers’ orders
- Reviews by bills of lading
- Review of products financial cards
Diglas Retail Trade provides for the independent and integral management of all processes required for the operation of retail trade outlets.
Key Functionalities:
- ON LINE with other Diglas segments
- Drawing up of sale baskets
- Sales to buyers-citizens
- Sales to buyers with VAT included invoices
- Sales to buyers without VAT included invoices
- Drawing up of offers
- Drawing up of receipts
- Drawing up of warehouse documents according to the sale basket
- Possibility of internal ordering
- Drawing up of inter-warehouse lists for other organizational parts of the enterprise
- Establishing new and updating existing partners
- Receipt of goods on the basis of internal documents
- Overviews
- Overview of the basket
- Overview of invoices and reverse invoices
- Overview of offers
- Overview of receipts
- Overview of warehouse stocks (stocks in the store and at the enterprise level)
- Messages – an information system on the drawing up of and tracking documents processed in the Retail Trade module